But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit…

—Titus 3:4-5 (ESV)

I’ve been meditating on this verse from Titus. At first, the regeneration and renewal part is where I was drawn to. To be honest, I think it’s more the part about the washing of regeneration. Something about the idea of being washed clean kept circling in my mind.

This morning I pictured a little child playing outside in the mud—jumping and running and splashing and rolling around, really having a blast. I’ve never actually done this myself, but I’ve seen this happen during camping trips, and maybe some movie scenes.

Also dogs—definitely love rolling in the mud, especially Morkies.

Anyway, I imagined at some point a dad coming for his kid, or the owner for his dog, and I think typically in everyday life there’d be a wide measure of responses ranging from annoyance to much more than that. But, what came to mind was a parent kneeling down next to their child, gently cleaning and washing away everything, even smiling and patiently dealing with it all. And then they all walk home together.

(Yes, at this point the dog is going along too.)

I realized that the reason those verses in Titus kept coming to mind wasn’t the activity of the washing or regeneration or renewal. It was the gentleness. It’s the loving kindness of God that was grabbing me and holding on to me. My life with Jesus is a beautiful, gracious, loving, gentle, and restorative walk that is washing and renewing me.

Even when I stumble and find myself in the mud like a child, I’m gently restored so I can keep walking in this life with Jesus, and do the work of practicing and training and immersing myself in more of God. So as I’m being renewed in the Holy Spirit, my life becomes more and more fruitful, multiplying the good works and righteousness I’ve been called to.

And it’s all really just because of the grace and mercy of a Father who pursues us with an everlasting love.

Help me, Holy Spirit.